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6 Reasons to Take Your Vehicle to a Professional Oil Change Service

Jul 25, 2023

Regular oil changes are a part of routine maintenance for every vehicle. Most mechanic and specialty shops can quickly change your oil. These are a few reasons always to ensure that you take your car to a reputable shop for oil changes.

1. Expertise

Professionals know everything there is to know about oil changes, including how often you should get one. According to AAA, changing the oil every 3,000 miles used to be expected, but most engines now have recommended oil change intervals of up to 5,000 miles thanks to modern lubricants. Some foreign models need fewer oil changes than that.

2. Environmental Friendliness

Most backyard mechanics toss out oil like throwing away the garbage. However, not properly disposing of it can wreak havoc on the environment. When you take your car to a professional oil change service, the oil will be disposed of responsibly to help reduce the risk that it will contaminate the water or soil.

3. Complete Inspection

When a mechanic changes the oil, they'll also complete an inspection to ensure the system is working correctly. This can detect problems early on, helping save you money on costly repairs. You'll also know whether your car is about to break down before it does, which can be a lifesaver if you rely on one vehicle.

4. Warranty Compliance

Most people who make payments on their car or own a vehicle have some kind of warranty on their car. However, there are certain conditions you have to follow to comply with the warranty. Performing regular maintenance, such as oil changes, is necessary. A certified mechanic must also complete these repairs.

5. Reliable Work

An oil change seems easy, but an untrained individual can easily mess this up. For example, you can wind up with a cracked oil pan. Then, you must pay repair costs and the additional cost that someone charges you to repair your vehicle. When you opt for a professional
oil change service, you can trust that the job will be done correctly.

6. Efficiency

Professional shops can usually complete a standard oil change on your car during lunch or after work. This is because they are trained to complete oil changes, making them more efficient than people trying to figure out how to change oil for the first time.

Getting regular oil change service for your vehicle is an important piece of vehicle maintenance. We specialize in various auto services, from essential maintenance like brakes and oil changes to complete fleet services. Contact us at Al Huss Auto & Truck to schedule your auto repairs today.

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